• aesthetics and design
  • naturalness
  • non-toxicity
  • personalization performance


  • absence of aesthetic maintenance
  • rust resistance
  • design performance


  • absence of aesthetic maintenance
  • rust resistance
  • design performance


For elegant, natural and welcoming buildings

Synonymous of  tradition, the wooden window has always been linked to the prestige and value of projects , that represent the excellence of classical and modern architecture. A long-lasting and elegant product, generated by the skilled workmanship of our artisans, capable of transforming a natural resource into a precious artifact.

Features that make wood the ideal choice for your windows and doors.

  • insulation: the particular characteristics of low thermal conductivity of wood fibers have always made wood an insulating material.
  • mechanical resistance: the wood fiber, highly performing under the mechanical point of view, behaves appropriately to the atmospheric surface pressures and to the structural tensions that can be created in a building.
  • naturalness: the natural fibers of wood, as well as water-based paints, do not release any volatile element harmful to human health in the inhabited areas and in the atmosphere.
  • electrical conductance: those who live in an environment sealed by a wooden or wood-aluminum window is more protected from external electrostatic charges thanks to the ability to interrupt the electrostatic charge (Faraday cage).
  • acoustic: the characteristics of the wooden profile combined with the performances of the gaskets and the high insulation slabs allow to obtain acoustic certifications of 48 db on windows with two doors installed on site.

Our essences

Discover what essences you prefer to make your frame

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GAMBA s.r.l.
Via Cremasca 10,
24052 Azzano San Paolo,
Bergamo – Italy

Tel. +39.035.533.208
Fax +39.035.451.14.27

REA 269352 – Iscr. Reg. imp Bg
C.F. e P.I. 02182600169
Capit. soc. versato € 41.600,00