The weak points of the house, from which thieves could enter, are windows or door- windows: to improve safety, a notch protection is often applied to windows at different points. The windows can also be equipped with burglar-resistant glass and a system that prevents the glass and handle from being disassembled by means of a safety lock.

Our windows can be equipped with up to 40 locking points.

Burglary resistance does not mean immunity of the product, but it means a proven level of resistance with a universal methodology and tests determined at European level according to a standard accepted by the member countries. The degree of break-in assigned to a safety product is obtained by passing the tests which provide for a limited attack time and equipment. We try to simulate the action of the thief to certify the window in relation to how it responds to the various tests.

The anti-burglary security of a window is measured in classes.

Depending on the final use (domestic or for the safety of sensitive places) you will focus on the highest possible resistance classes, remembering that the higher the resistance class and more time and noise that will serve the thief to complete the break-in.
How many Anti-burglary classes exist?
The Anti-Burglary classes are 6 and for each of them an ad hoc simulation has been conceived that foresees the use of certain useful tools to try to force the window within a certain time limit. The class defines the degree of resistance opposed by doors and windows to break-in attempts based on the tools and methods used by thieves.
RC1: basic protection against attempts to break with physical violence kicks and tears. The occasional delinquent attempts to force the door or window with the sole use of force (eg by kicking, by pushing raising or tearing) and the average time it takes to reach the result is about 3 minutes
Test time not expected.
Resistance time not expected.
RC2: In this case the thief uses simple tools like screwdriver, pincers, etc. to open the closures violently.
Test Time 15 minutes.
Break-in time is about 3 minutes.

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GAMBA s.r.l.
Via Cremasca 10,
24052 Azzano San Paolo,
Bergamo – Italy

Tel. +39.035.533.208
Fax +39.035.451.14.27

REA 269352 – Iscr. Reg. imp Bg
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